Queen Isabella II















January 1863



Gooding #14F1
Bartels C15.1; Earee (Page 210); Serrane (Page 224)

Lithographed in vermilion on thick, hard, very white wove paper. There is a colon after 'CORREOS'. Both upper and lower inscriptions are in ordinary Roman capitals. There is a very thin, broken outline under 'CORREOS INTERIOR', which is some little distance from the upper outline of the rest of the stamp. There are three bell-shaped ornaments, and part of a fourth, in each half of both side-frames. Some of them are very indistinctly drawn, and they vary much in shape. There are seventy-five very small white pearls round the head, none of them being oval, and some of the being mere dots. The fish-scale ornamentation in the spandrels is very poorly imitated by a lattice-work of crossed, straight, oblique lines; the whole being much too dark, almost as dark as the side-frames, instead of quite light. The wreath is very blotchy. There seem to be six leaves, without veining. The shading of the hair is in dark, solid patches, instead of lines. There are no visible leaves at the back of the neck, where the ribbons come out of the hair. The letters of the lower inscription touch the outline of the label above them; but they are no taller than those of the upper inscription. There is a dash, instead of a stop, under the little 's' of 'Cs'. The end of the ribbon, which comes across the neck, is not at all wavy.


Gooding #14F2
Bartels C17.1

A dangerous imitation. Color nearer scarlet. Dots of the circle are quite irregular and too small. Letters in the upper label vary in height. The 'C' and 'OS' of 'CORREOS' are lower than the other letters. The bell shaped ornaments generally open wider than in the genuine stamp. Dots of the circle are quite irregular and too small.The loop in �5� is narrow and the top horizontal line is long and solid.


Gooding #14F3
Bartels C17.2; Earee (Page 212); Hanciau; Collin (Page 640)

Serrane (Page 225); Atlee (Page 104)

The 'C' of 'CORREOS' is too near to the left frame and too tall and the second 'R' is too large. The second 'R' of 'INTERIOR' is too wide at the bottom, and leans slightly to the left. The circle almost touches the line at the top and bottom, with only one row of the fish-scale network above the top of the central circle and two below the bottom of it. There are nine-two pearls round the central circle, and they are all distinctly separate from each other, except two near the chignon; whereas in the genuine, some of them run together. The Queen's lip is pointed somewhat upwards. The bust is too much pointed. This forgery was first noted about 1890. Known unused or cancelled. Also known privately perforated (Perf 14). Largest Known Multiple: Block of 4 (Nigel Gooding Collection). (Similar plate to Gooding #15F1, #16F1 and #17F1).


Gooding #14F4

The 'CO' of 'CORREOS' is lower than the other letters. The first 'R' of 'INTERIOR' has a wide top loop. The circle almost touches the line at the top and bottom, with only one row of the fish-scale network above the top of the central circle and below the bottom of it. The bust is pointed and closer to the circle of pearls than the genuine. The '5' in '5 Cs' has a long staff and wide bottom loop and there is no period to the right of the 's' Known cancelled.


Gooding #14F5

Crude forgery printed in carmine, very similar to the original issue. The lettering on top and bottom tablets are poorly stuck, with many broken or partially missing letters or numbers. The '5' in '5 Cs' is almost non-existent. Two known copies, both affixed to bogus cover and tied with forged cancellations.


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